Computing for Self-Empowerment of African American Girls

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 In 2005, students at Spelman College established The Spelbots Robotics Team where they could engage in departmental activities, innovative projects and scholarly endeavors across campus and throughout the community. The goal is to encourage students and young women of African descent to explore robotics and computer science. One major advantage of this outreach program is that we are able to interact with all students in target grades, not only those who are already interested in computers, as would happen with a computer club or other extracurricular programs. This research presented is a sampling of the periodic outreach curriculum activities led by volunteer students. Through these activities participants have the opportunity to learn about a variety of computing topics and interact with systems not regularly offered. The core goal of this program is to increase the interest levels in computing among these young students. While the long-term effects are not immediately apparent, participating students indicate that activities are making a valuable impact. This is supported through personal observations of, and interactions with, the student participants.

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Spelman College
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