What is the impact of music education in the classroom?

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According to research, there is a significant and positive impact on children’s academics when music is integrated into the education curriculum (Bryant, 2014). The National Association of Music Merchants Foundation (NAMM) conducted a study and found that children who study music typically develop larger vocabularies and more advanced reading skills than their counterparts who do not participate in music classes (Bryant, 2014). In addition, Hille (2011) determined that regardless of socioeconomic status or school district, students that participated in high quality music programs scored higher on reading and spelling tests. This research study seeks to extend current research findings related to music integration in academics, within an urban school setting. Specifically, this study seeks to understand the impact of music on children within the designated setting, who have been previously identified as those with academic and behavioral challenges in the classroom. Through observations (within the music classroom setting) with target students and music questionnaires with the teachers of the selected students, this study will explore the impact of music on the student’s academic and social behaviors from the perspective of both students and teachers. Implications of this research may help to bring forth a greater understanding of the importance of the inclusion of music in the existing school curriculum.

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