An Examination of Sexual Orientation and Outcomes of Psychological Well-Being in African American Women

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Abstract Summary

Within the field of social justice, the levels of social support and discrimination perceived by marginalized groups is often highlighted. Typically, marginalized populations are less supported and subjected to more discrimination in society. As a result, their experiences can translate into outcomes such as that of their psychological well-being. LGBTQ+ individuals are amongst the most marginalized in society. This inner circle becomes smaller and more disadvantaged when considering sex, age and race. Women of color who identify as LGBTQ+ are considered to be a triple minority, they experience the most issues, yet the literature typically focuses on Caucasian populations. This study intends to close gaps within the literature by examining how social support and perceived discrimination influence psychological well-being in young African-American women in terms of positive and negative affect and life satisfaction. The results of four questionnaires will be analyzed through a series of regression analyses. It is expected that sexual orientation minorities will have lower levels of social support and higher levels of perceived discrimination, which will in turn present poorer outcomes of psychological well-being. Understanding these trends can contribute to the development of counseling treatment plans, as well the promotion of social equality.

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